Healthy Eating

Home Grown Potatoes

Grow Your Own Potatoes

Growing Your Own Fresh Ingredients

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Grown Your Potatoes

Potatoes are an easy item to grow at home in the garden or in pots.

Easily grown from a potato, or two, or three you have shop purchased and left to “go to seed” for a few weeks.

1 seed potato will usually produce three, four, five or even six new potatoes. They don’t need much space, tending or skill to grow. Just keep them watered, I “hill” mine which is where you add more soil and compost mix around the plant as it grows, gradually filling the pot over the first couple of months then just leave to finish growing for the final month or so. Keep watered, but not over watered.

Once the sprouts appear, plant in a mixture of soil, potting compost, perlite and vermiculite.

At Mr Soup and salad we grow our in re-useable felt pots which don’t take up much room, can be moved around the garden and are easy to tip out on to a sheet of plastic to harvest the potatoes, then re-use the pot and mixture to grow the next lot.

Always a good idea to start the process over a few weeks to try and spread the harvet out over months, rather than get all your grown potatoes maturing all at once!

Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and were a life-saving food source in early times because the vitamin C prevented scurvy. Another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium, an electrolyte which aids in the workings of our heart, muscles, and nervous system. Rich in fibre to aid digestion.

The also help add flavour and texture to soups and salads.

Potatoes take 3 to 4 months, 12 to 16 weeks from seed potato to harvest.


Home Grown Potatoes - Easy!

Potato gone to seed

Seed Potato

Shop purchased potato that started to sprout so left in dark space above the fridge in utility room to sprout like tthis before planting in a felt pot in garden in March.


To this in 1st 4 weeks..

Seed potato progress 4 weeks after planting out

Potato Progress After 4 Weeks

Potato progess after 4 weeks into the 12 week to harvest period now in April.

Hints, tips, ideas to grow your own potatoes

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